One of my jobs as the library media specialist at my school is to work with all students using technology. I see each grade for an hour a week, part of the time for typical library stuff - book checkout, story time, etc. and the rest of the time in the computer lab working on technology skills. In addition, I try to work with teachers on integrating technology into the curriculum. When possible, I try to share new technologies with teachers in hopes that they jump in. In some cases, teachers simply dip their toes into the pool. Some other teachers are in knee deep. I'm not sure anyone is in it up to their waste yet, but we're making progress.

I couple of weeks ago, I sent out an email to our primary teachers about an exciting online project for St. Patrick's Day. I was hoping this project would be one way teachers could participate in a fun, worldwide project. I offered any assistance teachers would need, hoping that we would work together on this project, put together by Technospud. After several days, I didn't receive any responses, which disappointed me. Oh well, I thought, I at least tried.

To my pleasant surprise, I ran into one of the teachers this morning carrying a box of Lucky Charms. She said, "Hey, remember that email you sent about that project? Well, we're doing it!" I had two reactions to this: 1-YEH!!! and 2-Why am I not involved in this project with the teacher? After reflecting on this for a little bit, I realized that one of my personal goals is to get my teachers to a point where they don't need me to help them with projects. I want them to feel comfortable integrating technology into the classrooom. I want them to jump into these kinds of projects on their own. After thinking about how I feel a little more, I'm excited. I can't wait to see how the project turns out. I am really excited about this teacher participating in this project, it's too bad she's retiring this year and won't be able to do it again next year.


  1. jethrojones // March 17, 2008 at 10:33 AM  

    How funny! I always want to be involved because it is fun, and then when they finally do something on their own, I am half excited and half bummed that I missed out on all the fun.

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